Elena Salamakha

Beginner frontend developer



  • city: Kyiv
  • phone: 095-535-44-91
  • email: elena.salamakha.ua@gmail.com



  • Front-end developer,

    GoIT courses

    Sep. 2020 - Mar. 2021

  • Translator,

    Institute of Translators and Interpreters

    2007, Kyiv

  • Engineer,

    Institute of Railway Transport

    2000, Kyiv


I am considering changing my profession toward front-end development. I have no commercial experience yet and the code examples are limited to assignments from online courses. Therefore I am ready to complete the test task to show my ability for self-education and practical application of skills.


  • HTML

    I know on a basic level how to optimize loading CSS styles and JS scripts. I am able to make up interfaces taking into account the built-in capabilities of the web platform:
    use special tags for page layout;
    pay attention to heading levels;
    checking access to all interactive elements using the keyboard.

  • CSS

    I use basic BEM principles when styling the page. I can create a responsive layout using media expressions. Mainly I use flexbox to position elements relative to each other. I have the basic knowledge to create transitions and animations.

  • JavaScript

    I know basic JS primitives, understand how to work with Promise and async / await syntax. I understand the difference between arrow functions and classical functions.

  • React

    I have a basic understanding of how React works. I know how to create applications using Create React App. I can:

    • create separate pages using React Router;
    • isolate component styles with CSS Modules and Styled Components
  • Git

    I know the Git commands at a basic level. In the process of work I use the "one commit, one task" approach. I can work with pull requests.

  • Development environment

    I use the Visual Studio Code editor with the Prettier plugin for easy code formatting.

  • Other skills:

    Adobe Photoshop, Figma, English (upper-intermediate), Trello


Front-end development, GoIT courses, 2020-2021:

  • "HTML / CSS" course in GoIT: Github repositry (deploy)
  • "HTML/ CSS/ JS (basic)" pet-project for screen resolution(1660px): Github repositry (deploy)
  • "JS team-project" in GoIT Github repositry (deploy)
  • "React/ JS" course: Github repositry (deploy)
  • Travel company "Atlantis", 2019-2020, sales-manager

    main responsibilities:

    • Advise and sell excursions and tours
    • Make invoices
    • Book rooms in hotels
    • Assist tourists during their vacation abroad
    • Close communication with logistics and finance department

    Software distribution company "Softprom", 2007-2017, sales-manager

    brand-manager (Autodesk, Altium)

    main responsibilities:

    • Maintain Partner programs implemented by vendors in CIS countries (daily communications with Partners, making webinars, presentations, software licensing training, monitoring activities, and control stages of potential deals/ opportunities);
    • Make invoices for customers and place orders;
    • Timely payment control, check invoices from vendors;
    • Communicate with vendors in Europe and Russia for solving current issues and get training;
    • Train and support new colleagues and Partners.